Home . Programs
Living Truth Christian School is pleased to offer a parent-led homeschooling program for
interested families. Students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 may either follow the Alberta Program of Studies, or families can choose their own alternative program, under the guidance of a trained LTCS facilitator. The facilitator will assist families in discovering and implementing Christian resources, helping with any questions along the way, and checking in throughout the year. Families are encouraged to connect through campus extra-curricular activities, such as track and field days, field trips, annual STARS Run, Remembrance Day ceremonies, School Photo Day, Year End Olympics, and other fun and interactive events. Home Ed specific events are planned throughout the year, Gym time, Foods classes, Construction classes, library, and other
options are continuing to be added as our homeschool program expands.
To enroll, please contact the LTCS office for your enrollment form. These forms also
describe the role of the facilitator and expectations for students and parents. For more information, please see our FAQ page below. Follow this link to learn how reimbursement for home educators can assist your homeschool journey as outlined by Alberta Education. Living Truth Christian School welcomes you to join us for a caring and supportive homeschooling experience that is founded on biblical truth. Contact our office today
to ask how your family can begin this journey with us!
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